Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Three plus one

I was hoping to get in under the three month mark. Alas, I am hopelessly behind with little chance of catching up in one entry. And while my excuse is lame, life has been busy since January 14. In case you are still with me and are at all interested in a brief update:
  • I've written four thesis chapters and a paper, the latter which I am giving at a conference in LA this weekend.
  • I traveled to Ohio in late January for a one-week stay that involved plenty of resting, shopping, and wonderfully intense two-year-old niece time.
  • I've ridden the job-search roller coaster with little to show for it except a thicker skin and increased determination.
  • I've enjoyed every second of my time with the college choir, all in preparation for our final concert this Thursday night.
  • I've (nearly) survived my first Pacific Northwest rainy season.
  • And last, but not least, I'm pregnant. Thirteen weeks and counting!

In celebration of these many events great and small, I took a break from writing to spend last Saturday at one of my favorite spots, the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge. I embarked on a 6-mile walk in the sunny, 75-degree air and saw (for the first time in the wild!) a pair of bald eagles. They were too far and fast for the camera, but I did snap a few other pics that reminded me how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful part of the world.

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